Solutions & Services

Data Analysis & BI

In order for organization in all sizes to excel, increase internal operations efficiency and increase revenue; they need to collect a large sets of relevance data and smartly analyze these data as required to be able to take the right decision at the right time based on the organizations current and future goals in various industries.

Transition Tech is following a strategical approach in providing data analysis and BI service. Combined with a strong background and highly qualified talented resources to comply with various organizations targeted goals to support in getting useful insights from raw data by using Perspective, Predictive, Diagnoses: and Descriptive data insights. In addition to representing these insights in a visual eye catching dashboards through Power BI tool.

Value proposition:

  • Analyze data using the built-in machine learning. 
  • Ability to analyze and process a huge amount of data.
  • KPI’s alerts availability.
  • Powerful data visualization templates.
  • High Data Security.
  • Power BI have powerful features and a various algorithms options.